Printable Jesse Tree Ornaments

One thing I love about the holiday season is all the traditions that come along with it. From baking Christmas cookies to trimming the tree, there’s something so special about taking part in timeless customs that have been passed down from generation to generation. One tradition that I particularly enjoy is the Jesse Tree, a tree that is decorated with symbols that represent the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. Now, I know what you’re thinking - “Wow, that sounds pretty serious and religious.” And normally, you’d be right. But Fear not, my fellow funny people! I’ve got a hilarious take on the Jesse Tree tradition that I think you’re going to love. First off, let’s talk about the ornaments. Or, as I like to call them, “Jesse Tree Baubles of Hilarity.” These little guys are designed to represent different moments and figures from the Bible, with each day of Advent being assigned a different ornament. But forget those serious, stoic symbols of days past - these baubles are all about the laughs. Take, for example, Day 1’s ornament: “Adam and Eve with fig leaves over their naughty bits.” I mean, come on. You can’t tell me that’s not hilarious. And it only gets better from there. Day 2? “Noah’s Ark with a bunch of confused, dripping wet animals.” Day 3? “A Very Annoyed Abraham Holding a Knife.” I mean, it’s the perfect way to keep kids engaged and entertained during the holiday season. But wait, there’s more! Because what is a Jesse Tree without a little bit of pizzazz? That’s right, I’m talking about glitter. And lots of it. Each ornament is carefully bedazzled with enough glitter to make even the most jaded adult smile. Sure, it might get everywhere, but isn’t that just part of the fun? And speaking of fun, let’s talk about how to actually use the Jesse Tree Baubles of Hilarity. First, you’ll need a tree. And not just any tree - a tree that screams “I am festive and fabulous.” Sure, a plain old green tree will do in a pinch, but if you really want to take your Jesse Tree game to the next level, go for something like a hot pink tinsel tree or a rainbow-colored faux fur tree. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. Once you’ve got your tree, it’s time to start decorating. Each day of Advent, break out that day’s designated ornament and hang it on the tree. But wait, there’s more! Because each ornament also comes with its own little joke or pun that you can read aloud, just to keep things extra hilarious. “Why did the donkey refuse to carry Mary to Bethlehem?” you might say. “He was a little horse!” Cue uproarious laughter from the whole family. And speaking of the whole family, that’s one of the things I love most about the Jesse Tree Baubles of Hilarity. Unlike some holiday traditions that can be a little exclusionary or religious-specific, this is something that anyone can enjoy. Kids love the silly ornaments and the glitter, adults can appreciate the jokes, and everyone can come together to have a good time. So, there you have it, folks. I hope this gives you a fresh, funny take on the Jesse Tree tradition. And if you’re looking to get your hands on some of those Baubles of Hilarity, fear not - you don’t have to scour the internet for hours looking for them. All you need to do is head over to Catholic All Year, where you can download a free set of printable Jesse Tree ornaments. Just print them out, bedazzle them with some glitter, and you’re good to go. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go figure out how to bedazzle a fig leaf. Happy holidays, everyone!