Printable Bible Tabs

Once upon a time, there was a Bible that was just begging to be decorated with some fun and colorful tabs. Luckily, a creative soul over at Grace in Color had the perfect solution - their GiC Bible Tabs in OT Watercolor! I mean, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want their Bible to look like a work of art? And with these tabs, you can easily navigate through each book of the Old Testament in style. So let’s dive into each tab and see what makes them so special. First up, we have Genesis - the book of beginnings. And what better way to start off your Bible decor than with a tab that features a stunning watercolor depiction of the Garden of Eden? With vibrant greens, blues, and purples, this tab will make you feel like you’re walking through a lush paradise every time you flip to Genesis. Moving on to Exodus, we have a tab that perfectly captures the essence of the book. A stunning image of the parting of the Red Sea takes center stage on this tab, complete with a “Moses parting the sea” illustration in the corner. It’s like having a mini work of biblical art right at your fingertips! Next up is Leviticus, the book of laws and regulations. But don’t worry, this tab is anything but dull. A vibrant rainbow design takes center stage, reminding us of God’s covenant with Noah and the promise that He will never again flood the earth. And isn’t it nice to have a little splash of color in such a serious book? Deuteronomy is up next, and this tab has a wonderfully whimsical feel. A playful illustration of a bird holding a sprig of olive branch in its beak is surrounded by cheerful yellow flowers and a subtle blue sky. It’s almost like this tab is saying, “Hey, don’t worry about all those confusing laws - just enjoy this little bit of beauty!” Joshua’s tab is a bit more dramatic, with a stunning illustration of the walls of Jericho tumbling down. That image alone is enough to make you feel empowered and ready to conquer any obstacles in your own life. Moving on to Judges, we have a tab that perfectly captures the theme of the book - cycles of sin and redemption. A beautiful watercolor image of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon is surrounded by vibrant flowers and leaves. It’s a reminder that even when we feel trapped in our own sins, we can always emerge anew with God’s help. Ruth’s tab is a sweet and simple design, with a playful illustration of a wheat field taking center stage. It’s a nod to Ruth’s time gleaning in Boaz’s fields and a reminder to trust in God’s provision. 1 Samuel’s tab is a bit more dramatic, with a stunning illustration of a lion. This is a reference to chapter 17, where David’s bravery and faith in God is put to the test as he slays the lion and saves his flock. It’s a powerful reminder of the strength we can find in God when we face our own giants. 2 Samuel’s tab is a bit more subdued, with an elegant watercolor of an olive branch. This is a reference to the peace that David finally finds after so much turmoil and strife. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest times, there is always a chance for peace and renewal. 1 Kings’ tab is a beautifully intricate design, with a stunning illustration of the temple taking center stage. This is a tribute to Solomon’s temple, which was known for its exquisite beauty and grandeur. It’s a reminder to seek out the beauty in even the most mundane parts of our lives. 2 Kings’ tab is another dramatic design, with an illustration of a chariot and horses of fire. This is a nod to Elijah’s spectacular exit from this world as he is swept up into heaven. It’s a reminder that even in the face of death, we can have faith that God will see us through. Moving on to 1 Chronicles, we have a playful design that perfectly captures the joy of the book. A vibrant illustration of a rooster takes center stage, surrounded by brilliant sunrise colors. It’s almost like this tab is saying, “Wake up, it’s a new day full of wonder and adventure!” 2 Chronicles’ tab is a bit more stately, with an elegant illustration of a Solomon’s crown. This is a reference to the wealth and greatness of the kingdom during his reign. It’s a reminder that God can bless us with abundance and prosperity if we trust in Him. Ezra’s tab is another beautifully intricate design, with an illustration of the temple’s rebuilt altar taking center stage. It’s a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the Israelites who rebuilt the temple after their exile. It’s a reminder that even when things seem impossible, if we put in the effort, we can achieve great things. Nehemiah’s tab is a bit more playful, with a fun illustration of a yellow bicycle. This is a nod to the famous phrase “God helps those who help themselves” - Nehemiah didn’t wait around for others to fix things, he took action and paved the way for others to do the same. Lastly, we have Esther’s tab - and what a doozy it is! A stunning illustration of Esther in all her regal glory takes center stage, surrounded by rich jewel tones and intricate patterns. It’s a reminder to have courage in the face of adversity and to trust that God will protect us as we stand up for what is right. Phew! That was quite the trip through the Old Testament. But one thing is for sure - with these GiC Bible Tabs, navigating through the books has never been more fun (or beautiful).