Free Printable First Grade Worksheets

Hey there, young scholars! Are you ready to conquer the world of first-grade math? We’ve got just the thing to help you get started – a bunch of fun and exciting worksheets that will get your brain pumping and help you master all those tricky concepts. So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in!

Worksheet 1: Addition Fun

1st grade addition worksheetThis worksheet is all about adding up numbers – but don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds! There are lots of colorful pictures to help you out, and all you need to do is write the answers in the boxes provided. Before you know it, you’ll be a pro at addition!

Worksheet 2: Counting Chaos

1st grade counting worksheetIt’s time to put your counting skills to the test with this fun worksheet. You’ll need to count up all the objects in each box and write down the correct number. But watch out – some of them are trickier than they look! Are you up for the challenge?

Worksheet 3: Time Traveler

1st grade time worksheetDo you know your clocks? This worksheet will help you get to grips with telling the time – just look at each clock and write down what time it’s showing. But be careful – some of them might be a little tricky!

Worksheet 4: Subtraction Sensation

1st grade subtraction worksheetThis worksheet will help you master the art of subtraction. Just like with the addition worksheet, you’ll need to write the answers in the boxes provided. But this time, you’ll be taking away numbers instead of adding them. Don’t worry if it takes a little while to get the hang of it – practice makes perfect!

Worksheet 5: Shape Shifter

1st grade shape worksheetShapes, shapes, everywhere! This worksheet will help you learn all about different shapes and how to identify them. Look at each picture and write down the correct shape name. And if you’re feeling really confident, why not try drawing some of your own?

Worksheet 6: Pattern Perfection

1st grade pattern worksheetPatterns can be tricky, but with this worksheet, you’ll be acing them in no time. Look at each sequence of shapes and see if you can figure out the pattern. Then, fill in the boxes to complete the sequence. There are lots of different patterns to try, so get ready for a challenge!

Worksheet 7: Money Matters

1st grade money worksheetWith this worksheet, you’ll be a money master in no time. Look at each picture of coins and write down the correct amount. You’ll be counting up lots of different amounts, so make sure you’re paying close attention!

Worksheet 8: Measurement Madness

1st grade measurement worksheetDo you know your inches from your centimeters? This worksheet will help you learn all about measurement. Look at each picture and write down the correct measurement. And if you want an extra challenge, why not try measuring some things around your house?

Well done, young mathematicians! You’ve completed all of the first-grade math worksheets. Give yourself a pat on the back and keep up the hard work – you’re going to do great things!