Emotions Worksheets Printable

Oh boy, do I have a treat for you all! Take a look at this hilarious image I found:

The “I have no idea what I’m doing” chart:

A chart with cartoon faces showing emotions ranging from happy to sadIsn’t that just the most relatable thing ever? I mean, who among us hasn’t felt like that kid in the top left corner, just tearing their hair out in confusion?

The “Expectations vs Reality” chart:

A chart with stick figures showing the expected versus actual outcomes of various activitiesOkay, this one is just too good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that sums up the human experience more accurately. From the sad little stick figure struggling to do a push-up to the person struggling to carry groceries while also holding an umbrella, this chart hits close to home.

The “Things that make you go hmmm” chart:

A chart with various nonsensical things, such as a duck holding a knife and a dog wearing a hatI can’t decide whether this chart is more funny or just plain bizarre, but either way, I can’t stop laughing. Who comes up with this stuff? And why is there a cat in a top hat holding a cupcake?

The “How to socialize” chart:

A chart with various strategies for socializing as an introvert, such as pretending to get a phone callOh my goodness, this chart is like it was made specifically for me. I totally relate to the person who tries to hide behind a potted plant at a party. I mean, what’s so bad about wanting some alone time?

The “Office survival guide” chart:

A chart with various tips for surviving in an office, such as hiding snacks in a drawer and using a stress ballOkay, no lie, I actually did some of the things on this chart when I worked in an office. I mean, who doesn’t need a stress ball when they’re dealing with a difficult boss? And snacks are always essential, am I right?

The “Types of sleepers” chart:

A chart with various types of sleepers, such as the cuddler and the starfishIf you’re anything like me, you’ll find this chart both accurate and hilarious. I mean, who hasn’t met someone who tosses and turns like a rotisserie chicken all night? And let’s not even get started on the stealing-the-blankets type.

The “Science of laziness” chart:

A chart with various scientific explanations for lazy behavior, such as the This chart is not only hilarious, but it’s also informative. Who knew that being lazy could be explained by thermodynamics? And the “false urgency principle” is definitely something I’ve experienced firsthand.

The “Types of friends” chart:

A chart with various types of friends, such as the party animal and the homebodyThis chart just makes me grateful for all the different types of friends I have in my life. From the adventurer who’s always ready to try something new to the comfort-giver who’s always there with a listening ear, I appreciate them all.

The “Phases of working out” chart:

A chart with various phases of working out, such as the If you’ve ever tried to get in shape, you’ll definitely identify with this chart. From the initial enthusiasm to the “why did I ever think this was a good idea” phase, this chart is all too accurate.

The “Types of anxiety” chart:

A chart with various types of anxiety, such as social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorderAs someone who struggles with anxiety, this chart hits close to home. From the sweaty palms to the racing thoughts, these are all familiar symptoms. But it’s nice to know that I’m not alone in this.

The “Types of procrastinators” chart:

A chart with various types of procrastinators, such as the I think we’ve all been guilty of procrastinating at some point in our lives, and this chart just lays it all out there. From the “perfectionist” who insists on getting everything just right to the “eternal optimist” who believes there’s always more time, these types of procrastinators are all too real.

The “Types of drivers” chart:

A chart with various types of drivers, such as the If you’ve ever been on the road, you’ve undoubtedly encountered all of these types of drivers. From the people who tailgate you to the ones who leave their turn signal on for miles, these drivers test our patience on a daily basis.

The “Types of roommates” chart:

A chart with various types of roommates, such as the Living with roommates can be a challenge, and this chart just lays it all out there. From the roommate who never washes their dishes to the one who insists on blasting their music at all hours, these types of roommates are all too familiar.

The “Types of emails” chart:

A chart with various types of emails, such as the If you work in an office, you’ll definitely identify with these types of emails. From the person who always hits “reply all” to the one who insists on sending one-word responses, these emails can be maddening.

A chart with various types of fashion trends, such as the If you’re into fashion, you’ll definitely appreciate this chart. From the people who insist on wearing their sunglasses indoors to the ones who are always clad in athletic wear, these fashion trends are all too common.

The “Types of workout equipment” chart:

A chart with various types of workout equipment, such as the If you’ve ever worked out in a gym, you’ll definitely identify with this chart. From the machines that make you feel like you’re on a roller coaster to the ones that make you feel like you’re being tortured, these workout equipment types are all too real.

The “Types of coffee drinkers” chart:

A chart with various types of coffee drinkers, such as the As a coffee lover, this chart speaks to me on a spiritual level. From the people who insist on drinking decaf to the ones who are always ordering fancy lattes, these coffee drinkers are all too familiar.

The “Brain activity during a meeting” chart:

A chart with various types of brain activity during a meeting, such as Let’s be real, we’ve all had meetings where our minds just start wandering. From planning tonight’s dinner to counting the ceiling tiles, this chart is all too accurate.

The “Types of coworkers” chart:

A chart with various types of coworkers, such as the Working with other people can be a challenge, and this chart just lays it all out there. From the coworker who always thinks they know best to the one who’s always complaining, these types of coworkers are all too familiar.

The “Types of stress eaters” chart:

A chart with various types of stress eaters, such as the If you’ve ever turned to food when stressed or upset, you’ll definitely identify with this chart. From the person who eats when they’re sad to the person who eats out of anger, these types of stress eaters are all too real.

The “Types of coworkers on vacation” chart:

A chart with various types of coworkers on vacation, such as the If you’ve ever had to deal with coworkers who won’t stop talking about their vacation, you’ll definitely appreciate this chart. From the person who insists on showing you every single picture they took to the person who’s clearly miserable and just wants to go back to their hotel room, these types of coworkers on vacation are all too real.

The “Anatomy of a hangover” chart:

A chart with the different stages of a hangover, such as We’ve all been there after a night of partying–the dreaded hangover. This chart is both hilarious and accurate, from the pounding headache to the overwhelming sense of regret. And who hasn’t tried a few of those “hangover cures”?

The “Types of coworkers during the holidays” chart:

A chart with types of coworkers during the holidays, such as the The holidays can be a stressful time in the office, and this chart just lays it all out there. From the person who insists on decorating every inch of the office to the person who’s always complaining about how they hate Christmas, these types of coworkers are all too familiar.

The “Types of texters” chart:

A chart with types of texters, such as the If you’re a frequent texter, you’ll definitely identify with these types. From the person who always has to send multiple messages to the person who insists on answering with one-word replies, these types of texters are all too real.

The “Types of family members at Thanksgiving” chart:

A chart with types of family members at Thanksgiving, such as the Thanksgiving can be a wonderful time with family…or a complete nightmare, depending on who you’re with. This chart just lays it all out there, from the person who insists on debating politics to the one who won’t stop eating all the pie.

The “Types of online shoppers” chart:

A chart with types of online shoppers, such as the Online shopping is a guilty pleasure for many of us, and this chart just lays out all the different types of shoppers. From the person who’s always making impulse buys to the one who’s always filling up their cart but never actually hitting “checkout,” these types of online shoppers are all too familiar.

The “Types of coworkers during cold and flu season” chart:

A chart with types of coworkers during cold and flu season, such as the Cold and flu season can be a nightmare in the office, and this chart just lays it all out there. From the person who’s always dousing themselves in hand sanitizer to the one who insists on coming to work even though they’re clearly contagious, these types of coworkers are all too familiar.

The “Types of gym-goers” chart:

A chart with types of gym-goers, such as the If you’ve ever spent time in a gym, you’ll definitely appreciate this chart. From the person who’s constantly taking selfies in the mirror to the one who grunts loudly with every rep, these types of gym-goers are all too real.

The “Types of drivers in bad weather” chart:

A chart with types of drivers in bad weather, such as the